Luciano Giustini: Real Life Archives
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Tonight at 21 I've the second lesson of Tango argentino. Probably the last, if I don't change idea about it. Last time it was not so confortable, the people is old in this course and the passes are difficult to follow continuosly for 1,5 h at least for a person like me that arrives there already very tired from the day. Will see. In general this is a positive experience since i know at least the bases of this beautiful dance, and who knows in future my dream is to be able to dance it ...
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1) Paparazzi. Rome, Milan are the city of paparazzi. You can go in dinner with everybody: only, be prepared that all the world will know it, if you're in the least famous. If you're not famous, all the photos will be maintained in archive until they will be useful (i.e. to ask for money to don't publish them). Of course you will completely forgot that in this photo some years ago you was in company of.... in that party at.... in that ridiculous position! Paparazzi has a good int...
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When you love...

When you love a person, and see that this person is silent, and maybe is with another person, you suffer. When you suffer too much, it means that you truly love this person and don't want to contact the person. For this reason, probably this person will never know it....
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Make a Wish

Un sincero augurio di Buon Anno a tutti ed un sereno 2006! I wish you an Happy New Year and a serene 2006! All the best to everyone! Je vous souhaite une nouvelle annèe heureuse et un 2006 serein! Ein aufrichtiger Wunsch glücklichen neuen Jahres und des serene 2006! желаю Вам счастливого Нового год&...
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I would close with the past. But it's the past that doesn't want to close with me. (not mine, but true) What I like of Magnolia, is that, along by time, i find it always a small masterpiece. From citations so precise and ironic, to the thin, stumbling pain of the protagonists, to the suffering, till to the soundtrack. The sound. That motif that's on all the movie. I like it....
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Chi sono
Mi occupo di processi di narrazione digitali sui social network, e insegno in percorsi universitari su comunicazione e nuovi media. Coorganizzatore di TEDx ViadellaConciliazione.

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Digital Clusters (How the Net is Marking Us), DigitCult, vol. 2, no. 3, 49-62 (2017)

Ultimi post

La mia Booklist 2018 > Libri per il nuovo anno
L'anno scorso scrivevo il bilancio di un anno bello e denso di avvenimenti importanti, mentre il 2018 è stato…
Perché Anon è un piccolo capolavoro (e non è adatto per il cinema)
Dando per scontato che Netflix è una droga, nelle mie serate di preparazione a un esame mi è capitato…
Cambridge, abbiamo un problema (intrinseco)
A marzo del 2017 Michal Kosinski, uno psicologo e Ph.D di Cambridge, professore a Stanford di Organisational Behavior, presenta…

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